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Download Browser.exe |
4.1 Updates:4.0 New Options:
- Window is resizable.
- Title bar reflects the name of current page.
- New 256-colour icon!
- Smart location bar formats the entry from "olego/folder" to "".
- Options work! Availible options:
- Special Forward and Back buttons let you navigate the numbered pages: it would take you from to
- Select Location when focused lets you decide whether the location bar be selected when you click on it
- Quit on Escape quits the program when Esc key is pressed, as opposed to stopping the dowload process.
- New mail button.
- New key shortcuts: Ctrl + G is Go, Ctrl + S is Stop, etc.
- Brighter icon.
3.1 New Options:
- Fixed the Status Bar bug: it updates more often; long links displayed properly.
- Fixed the Location Bar: updates as supposed to, when clicked, creates a selection.
- Press <F1> to get to this help window.
- Soon to exist: Options window.
3.0 Restarted from scratch. New options:
- Smart Location Bar changes the current URL only when it's not in focus.
- The Status Bar lets you know whether the download is in progress.
- Smarter Go, Stop, Reload and Home buttons.
- Back and Forward buttons gray out like they are supposed to.
- The ? button takes you to this help screen.
- Appearance is just right for 800x600 resulution. Made just like MSIE.
- Faster loading time than of either MSIE or Netscape.
- The bottom status bar lets you know what is happening.
2.5 Fixes of 2.0. New Options:
- Somewhat working location bar: refreshes itself when the data changes.
- Took off the password and common buttons.
- Conveniently-sized screen. Looks like MSIE.
- Bug fixes.
2.0 Restarted from scratch.
- Common sites I go to: Hotmail, Yahoo, Net@ddress. Do not work without the password.
- Forward and Back buttons, Stop, Home and Reload buttons.
- The Secret button takes you to the secret site.
1.0 The first program.
- The location bar works!
- The Go button invites you to take an adventure on the 'net!
- Back, Stop, and Home buttons work.
Known Bugs:
- When the location bar comes in focus, it is not selected as intended.
- Back and Forward buttons are not always grayed out when they are supposed to be.
- Can't close the window unless you press the "Close" button.
- Anything else? Contact me.